KrigR - Downscaling State-of-the-Art Climate Data for Macroecologists


During this workshop I will give you an introduction to my most recent R-Package (KrigR) which provides you with a fully R-internal workflow to (1) Download and process state-of-the-art climate data for a wide-range of more than 80 climatic variables at up-to hourly temporal resolutions, (2) download and process digital elevation model data to match your climate data, and (3) downscale the climate data downloaded in step 1 using the data generated in step 2, to achieve spatial resolutions of 1x1km using the powerful kriging methodology. Effectively, this makes available to you state-of-the-art climate data at fine spatial resolutions in hourly time steps and should prove to be a useful tool in biogeographic analyses on global and local scales. My colleague and co-author of KrigR - Richard Davy - will join us to provide some useful background on climate science and datasets.

2020-11-12 13:00 — 16:00
BIOCHANGE Methods Workshops
Online Workshop
Erik Kusch
Erik Kusch
Senior Engineer & Statistical Consultant

In my research, I focus on statistical approaches to understanding complex processes and patterns in biology using a variety of data banks.
